1. You must be LOYAL!
2. You must play with us a lot games, so we can check your activity and interest.
3. We need to check your potentional, your skill, and check how you'r skill grow up to time
4. You need to listen to Maly and Ares always, because they will always tell you (in games) little things to make your gameplay better.
5. You should shut up, and listen us (no offense)
6. We do not make any tests for pop, eco etc., WE CHECK YOUR SKILL IN GAMES
7. Before you aks us about joining, play at least 50. games with us, and later ask us
"CAN I JOIN [XCON] or [AK]"?
8. Now go back to the points six and seven and read them again!
9. We do not recruit players from Pakistan! (It is because of the Connection stability...)
10. Thanks for ur patience - XCON MALY !
(: Before you ask us! :)
We are Tired of taking and teching AKA's, idiots and traitors! Those people are coming to [X-CON] only for our knowledge, and experience. Today i said STOP!! We will take only verified (Polish) players who have TS3, and can prove us that they are not AKA. Sorry to all other players who wanted to join us, but I have had enough of teaching player for other clan, today, in past and, in future. If you want learn someting teach yourself, or find another leader becouse we will not be your teachers.